The information contained in this website has been compiled by Next Capital Pty Limited ABN 75 111 963 583, AFSL 289762 and its related bodies corporate (Next Capital). It comprises statements of intent and opinion, many of which may or may not be realised. Whilst Next Capital believes the information in this website is based on reasonable assumptions, it makes no representations or warranties that any statement, projection or forecast is true, complete or accurate. Information on this website is of a general nature only, and none of the contents of this website should be construed as any kind of advice or recommendation. Nothing in it should be taken to constitute a statement that is intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision regarding any investment or financial product. This website does not purport to be complete, accurate or contain all information which its users may require to make an informed assessment of whether to invest in any fund managed by Next Capital. This website does not take into account the objectives, circumstances (including financial situation) or needs of any particular person. Before acting on the information contained in this website, or making a decision to invest in any fund, potential investors should make their own enquiries and seek professional advice as to whether any investment is appropriate for their own circumstances. The website has been created for the use of Australian residents and any currency references located within this website are in Australian dollars. The material in this website is copyright and remains the property of Next Capital and any unauthorised use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.